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ARUM ( Lords & Ladies)

ARUM ( Lords & Ladies)

ARUM ( Lords & Ladies)

These relatives of out native Lords and Ladies  are becoming more and more appreciated. They are a useful winter foliage plant for shade - even the driest shad of conifers will be tolerated. The showy red berries are poisonous.

Plant List


Rather than the standard uninspiring pale spathes (what looks like the 'flowers' ) of the usual Lords and Ladies this one has spectacular pale yellow spathes. Clumps of unspotted leaves. Best in a dry, partly sunny position where it will form large clumps in time.


Flowers: Apr






 Award of Garden Merit(Arum pictum) A ‘must’ for flower arrangers; deep green arrow shaped leaves marbled with white all winter. Pale yellow flowers in Spring followed by striking red berries. An excellent winter foliage plant. Summer dormant.

Height: 14"

Flowers: May-Jun

3 = £5.00


Award of Garden Merit =those plants given the Award of Garden Merit by the RHS.

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